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Sunday, April 9, 2017

Raleigh D&D 5E - Session #6 - Tangari Badlands

This session's party members:

-Drael, the blue, apex seeking, goliath barbarian and his faithful(?), always hungry, red saber-tooth tiger companion.
-Rolin, the elven yellow assassin, and secret priest of Mephala, lord of the eight shadows of murder.
-Vyn, the dark elf and (literally) red dragon sorcerer.

Our intrepid party traveled into the Tangari badlands seeking lost shipments, artifacts and cities. At dusk they found signs of many riders going across the main road. Following said tracks off the path into the darkness of night forced the party to retreat into a cave for the night. They slept soundly through the distant howls carried on winds whistling through the cave entrance. While breaking camp in the morning, they saw a dust cloud in the distance. Expecting this was a band of Tangari riders, they decided to hide in the cave until they passed. Once the large band of riders passed, Vyn suggested they go in the direction the riders came from to find their camp.

After several hours of travel, they encountered an old beggar man in a ravine they were traveling through. He greeted them and asked for some alms. Claiming to be an outcast of the Tangari tribes for refusing to offer his child as sacrifice to the lord, he pointed them in the direction of the camp. However, when their backs were turned he transformed into a jackalwere and called a large pack of jackals to his aid! The jackalwere was sorely outmatched and Drael skinned him and all the jackals to calm him down from his rage.

Deciding to follow the beggar man's direction regardless, they continued on to find themselves at the dead end of a gorge where there appeared to have been a camp recently. While searching through the recently abandoned campsite, Vyn found a dropped soft leather book, containing hymns, poems, and folklore of the Tangari people. Rolin noticed that the exit to the gorge had shifted. Closer inspection showed that an illusion blocked the way they came in and exposed a previously hidden way. Drael called down some nearby buzzards and asked them to lead to the hidden city. In exchange the party would provide corpses to feast upon, either by killing or dying in battle. The vultures accepted and began to fly overhead, hopefully leading to Sacre Tor. After reassuring the saber-tooth tiger that he would have his share of flesh too, the party braved the maze of gorges and ravines towards the hidden city!

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